Weiti Midwives
498 Hibiscus Coast Highway
Orewa, Auckland, 0931.
Your pregnancy is unique and we are here to provide information and support so that you can make the best decisions for yourself, your baby and your family during this rite of passage.
“We believe women who take responsibility for their own pregnancy and birth, and positively prepare for the adventure will have a more satisfying birth.”
In New Zealand you can choose an independant Midwife, Community Midwife, General Practitioner or private Obstetrician as your Lead Maternity Carer, and you can change your LMC during your pregnancy if you wish. Find a provider you trust.
Antenatal and Birth Preparation
Attachment Parenting Theory: www.attachmentparenting.org
Bella Mama – Yoga and Massage: www.bellamama.co.nz
Health Point – North Shore Hospital: www.healthpoint.co.nz
Elementa – Yoga: www.elementa.co.nz
Active Movement in Water During Pregnancy – Good exercises for pregnant women: www.swimmingnz.org.nz
The Parents Centre – Antenatal and parenting classes: www.parentscentre.org.nz
Depression in pregnancy and postnatal: www.mothersmatter.co.nz
Mother Risk – Medication risks and safety in prenancy and breastfeeding: www.motherisk.org
Water Birth: www.waterbirth.org
Michel Odent: www.wombecology.com
Parenting, Breastfeeding, Postnatal and Newborn
Ask Lenore: www.asklenore.info
Zero to Three: www.zerotothree.org
Breastfeeding Support: www.kellymom.com
La Leche League – Breastfeeding Support: www.lalecheleague.org.nz
Plunket: www.plunket.org.nz
Trauma and Birth Stress: www.tabs.org.nz
Postnatal Distress Support Network NZ: www.postnataldistress.org.nz
Raising Children Network – Newborn, parenting info: www.raisingchildren.net.au
The Sleep Store – Info on newborn sleep: www.thesleepstore.co.nz
Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants (SUDI aka SIDS): www.plunket.org.nz
Pregnancy 0 to 14 weeks
Pregnancy 14 to 30 weeks
Pregnancy 30 weeks onwards
Screening tests and scans: weeks 0 – 14
Screening tests and scans: weeks 14 – 30
Screening and other tests and scans: week 30 onwards
Diabetes in pregnancy
Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Immunisation for Pregnant Women
Checking your baby at birth and soon after
Labour and Birth
After Birth
Keeping baby safe in bed: the first 6 weeks
Keeping baby safe in bed: 6 weeks to 6 months
Keeping baby safe in bed: 6 weeks to 12 months
Coping with a crying baby
Checking your baby at birth and soon after
Week 1 after the birth
After the birth: weeks 2–4
After the birth: weeks 4-6
498 Hibiscus Coast Highway
Orewa, Auckland, 0931.